Stay agile

If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s to be continuously resilient in the face of uncertainty. Businesses that have done this are the ones who have succeeded in riding the constant ups and downs we have been put through. Ensure you have a strong team who are willing to collaborate on finding solutions, but also who can effectively work independently where necessary.This ‘flexible fabric’ of interconnectivity across your business will be suitably adaptable in uncharted situations.

Don’t succumb to disappointments or failures – they are part of your journey to success.

Continue to build and take advantage of having an Online Presence

Potential customers and clients are already using these platforms, as opposed to other tools that might require you to win over an audience and draw them to somewhere new. So it’s important to utilise the audiences waiting for you.

Innovate with the types of content you are creating and feel out what is resonating the best with your customers – ultimately, what gets the best engagement on each platform? Also think about the frequency of your communications and when you can interact to harness the most organic reach.

Don’t forget about keeping your website up to date and functional – does it reflect what your business currently has to offer?

Place a focus on Employee Appreciation

A prominent topic from the last year was staff retention, with many employees reassessing what they want from their work lives.Think about whether you could effectively implement flexible work-schedules, or whether offering employees the choice to work from home could actually be beneficial to productivity, rather than detrimental. As well as fair financial renumeration for their efforts, ensure verbal recognition of hard work also takes place consistently in your workplace.

Ensuring your employees feel seen and validated will lead to a strong retention of invested staff, which will be key to your business reaching further goals throughout the year.

Change the way you look at change – and prepare for it

Change is inevitable. But it’s also a signal of what’s to come, and can be used effectively as a business tool. Change can bring about the most exciting diversions in your journey.

Being transparent about where you are and where you are headed will be a motivating and trusting factor in keeping your workforce driven and committed. Make sure you have a strong plan in place to keep you afloat and focused in any times of volatility – one with clear, defined goals that can be adapted as you are faced with change.

If you need further support with moving your business forward in 2022, or you just want to talk things through, don’t hesitate to contact me at

Original ideas from articles by Forbes